16 May 2024 05:54:18
Looks like VAR is being voted on then at the next PL club meeting. Personally I would not get rid of it, because if we do we'll all be complaining about the amount of offsides that would of been called but won't bez especially now the refs have got used to having that support.
No improvements on communication and removal of subjectivity need to be put i.

{Ed001's Note - forget offsides, they are not going to be included in this. There will be semi-automated offsides so that is not relevant. VAR is a terrible system which destroys the enjoyment of celebrating a goal, it needs to go.}

1.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 07:24:17
Get rid of it, it's been a mess.

2.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 07:27:59
I think after VAR, not many will be complaining about an on-field ref getting a few decisions wrong. It has sucked the last few joys left in football for me.

3.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 07:51:13
Ed001, you are correct. That is the biggest problem with VAR.

4.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 07:56:16
My only hope is that they don't then start looking at subjective offsides with the automated system. Like when Endo apparently blocked Colwill by standing still in the cup final. For me there are two ways to be offside; you are in an offside position and touch the ball, or you are in an offside position and block the keepers line of site. Everything else is just a convoluted nonsense. All this interfering with the defenders decision making or stopping them running back is horse ****. Defenders have enough advantages what with being able to wrestle players down in the box at set pieces, dive to get soft free kicks to break the press, obstruct the attacker to shield the ball out of play etc.

Got to scrap as much of VAR as possible. Goal line technology, automated offsides and mistaken identity for red/ yellow cards. Job done. That is ALL we ever needed.

5.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 08:27:37
Not trying to be flippant here (hopefully it doesn’t come across that way), but how does semi automated offsides not also take the joy out of celebrating goals?

Eg goal goes in; players and fans celebrate; then semi auto offsides rule that the player was offside; goal is chalked off.

{Ed001's Note - that is the same as a flag going up. The difference is that it is not 3 minutes later, it is within seconds.}

6.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 08:37:37
Won’t semi automated offsides spoil the celebrations of a goal or will it be immediate decision?

{Ed001's Note - be almost immediate yes.}

7.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 08:59:17
Can't wait for the technology around semi-automated offsides to go wrong.

I'm probably in the minority who think that VAR in principle is a good idea. It's just not being implemented particularly well. They intermittently hide behind the 'clear and obvious error' directive to defend inaction, whilst at other times they correct what appear to be marginal decisions. And VAR refs make completely different calls from one week to the next which is mind-boggling.

I can understand that from an on pitch ref since they only have what they can see in front of them happening in real time, but from a guy who has multiple replays from multiple angles and slow mos, it's just not good enough. I'm not looking for refereeing perfection, but it should be possible to have broad consistency with VAR in place.

8.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 09:31:01
I would only keep it for pens . but everyone knows sky etc will overdo every decision to the point of overkill. they only add to the problems . Some refs are awful but got to to let them ref games . we all jump up when we score n then sit back down to check if it's been called back for a var check . fun n excitement has all but gone.

9.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 10:59:54
The semi automated offsides work in the CL and in Serie A that I know off. That thing is instant. As for VAR, I maintain that it is a good system that can be a lot better if people actually wanted it to work.

10.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 13:54:47
Seconds are not the problem when it comes to celebrating a goal. Minutes are.
We've all celebrated a goal without realising that the whistle has gone or offside flag being raised but they're not the same as VAR.
I'm even waiting for VAR to intervene now. The moments that make football what it is are being lost.

11.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 13:56:28
They aren't going to scrap VAR.

This is club's sending a message to Premier League and PGMOL about the performance this year. Its performative.

Webb should stand down. His leadership has been nothing short of shambolic.

12.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 14:54:25
Getting rid of VAR would be insanity, people complaining about incorrect decisions would rather go back to putting the incorrect decisions back into the hands of the same people who run VAR. You just have to work out how to improve it, or restrict it for now till you can work out full proof methods.
And get these awful refs out of VAR booths, let some analyst run it and just advise the ref. at worst you can just the TMO like in rugby so they can have a chat and run the ref over to the screen and explain the rules to them.
Removing it doesn't fix the problem.

13.) 16 May 2024
16 May 2024 09:21:19
Put ten refs in diffrent var rooms and play the same incident or offside and i would not be surprised that there would be ten diffrent outcomes and reasons.
In short var works but not with the people who use it .