18 Jun 2024 13:56:44
I know it's very unlikely and very rarely happens, but I'm surprised we are not making a move for Branthwaite, one of the top young centre backs in the premier league.

1.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 14:30:21
He plays for Everton. Not only that, he is their most, and probably only, prized asset.
I really like Branthwaite and would buy him immediately, but unless he demands a move to his club’s local rivals, it isn’t happening.

2.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 15:39:18
Never ever going to happen. He’ll end up at United or City (sorry Ed025).

3.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 15:40:28
Jimmy, the guy plays for Everton. Need I say more? Seriously, they wouldn't even sell us a virus let alone their best player and most prized asset, like LoweLFC, said.

4.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 15:33:30
Is he even that good? I think he has potential but his positioning in some games I’ve seen has been pretty suspect, also I’m not totally sure that he’s that suited to a front foot team that builds from the back, he has great physical attributes and looks like he can go up a few levels over time but people saying he’s going to be better than stones (when he doesn’t even look like a similar kind of player at all) or Everton fans saying he’s going to be the next maldini just make him look so much worse in my eyes than he actually is.

{Ed025's Note - hes exceptional PB, comfortable on the ball, good in the air and left footed, as far as centre backs go hes the next big thing mate believe me, i cant see him being at Everton next season but someone (probably United) are going to get one hell of a player mate..

5.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 15:37:36
Out of all the good young English players in the premier league, I think only Wharton is probably worth anything approaching that kind of money

And out of quansah and branthwaite, I much prefer quansah (of course ed025 is probably going to make some kind of quip now), quansah too has all the tools to make it to the very top except elite pace, also he isn’t receiving the obscene hype that branthwaite is getting, even though I’ve seen branthwaite make way more mistakes than quansah (granted Everton has to do a lot more defending than us so his shortcomings are more patent)

{Ed025's Note - Quansah and Branthwaite are similar PB....in the fact that they both have 2 arms and 2 legs...then the similarity ends, i happen to like Quansah but in terms of ability Jarrad is on a different planet mate..

6.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 15:59:33
Jarrad is overrated, the next maguire.

7.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 16:05:57
He doesn’t really look super dominant in the air to me though when you look at him he seems like he should be, and the games I’ve seen he doesn’t look amazing on the ball either, I guess it’s hard to judge because of the way Everton play but there doesn’t seem to me to be that much proof that he can play for a team that builds from the back and has the center backs involved all the time in a dominant possession based style (in which case he suits United perfectly)
Who knows, ed025, in five years quansah could be the first name on the team sheet for England and branthwaite, despite being a good player, is after all joining United and could turn out to be the next Phil Jones, who after all also looked an excellent prospect at one time.

{Ed025's Note - you can never tell with young players PB as some will succeed and some wont, i think both of them have a very good chance though and who knows could be the future pairing for the national side mate..

8.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 16:33:47
Dyches tactics do make big lumps Of defenders look better tho Ed! just look at Tarkowski. Think Branthwaite in a footballing side would be a bit like John Terry under Villas Boas, all over the shop unlike our Jarell whos like a young Beckenbauer.

{Ed025's Note - Tarks actually had the best defensive stats in the league June, our central pairing conceded half the amount of your Rolls Royces mate...mind you our lads dont have girly goo hair cuts which makes a difference.. :)

9.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 16:52:33
To be fair Everton have had a fair few next big things over the years, Rodwell, Barkley spring to mind.

I’ll stick with Quansah thanks. Everton players would need to come with a money back guarantee ??.

{Ed025's Note - Quansah has potential Irish...Branthwaite is already there mate, but i do like the money back guarantee shout.. :)

10.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 17:11:47
“Exceptional” behave he has grit and determination but Everton had better players like John Stones on the ball etc. To say he’s on another planet to Quansah is also ludicrous. I imagine there will be another Everton hero next season who’s the be all and end all. Mind you Ed25 said Trent wasn’t that good.

{Ed025's Note - i do know my onions when it comes to players FK, Jarrad will be a future England captain mate and Trent could be working at Mc Donalds if hes not careful....thats a joke by the way before the abuse starts.. :)

11.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 17:26:01
Funny you should mention that Ed, cuz tarkowski’s defensive stats actually look better than branthwaite’s on paper….

{Ed025's Note - its good to have a solid Mondeo next to your Bentley PB..

12.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 18:44:23
Going from Everton to United isn't much better than going from Everton to Liverpool.
I know Rooney did it but at least United had a good side back then.

13.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 18:48:13
Ed025, who died and made you "Mr. Football know it all"? ???

(Sorry, but fulfilling my duty of ensuring "what goes around comes around" is duly observed ???) .

{Ed025's Note - love it ArAy.. :)

14.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 20:08:55
Ed25, is Branthwaite "already there" the same way Andre Gomez "was "already there"?

{Ed025's Note - Gomes got a very bad injury that scuppered his Everton career im afraid Oli, but he never bawled his eyes out for 4 months like VVD did, he just got on with it mate...thats the difference..

15.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 21:42:07
It's true that Gomes couldn't run very well after his 'very bad' injury. He couldn't run very well before his 'very bad' injury.
He just got on with not running very well.

{Ed025's Note - a certain Mr Jan Molby was not that mobile Rigsby, running is overrated mate...its what you have between your ears that counts..

16.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 22:43:19
That's a fair point, Ed025.
How did Gomes' very bad leg injury scupper his Everton career then? ?
Gomes was alright and a nice bloke I believe but he didn't do anything quickly.
Big Jan was imperious. Strolling round with his chest puffed out, he didn't have to do things quickly because the game was played at his pace.
He even learned to speak Scouse.

{Ed025's Note - i was a massive fan of Jan Rigsby, always seemed to have time on the ball and could put the ball on a sixpence from 50 yards mate..