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19 Jun 2024 20:50:54
Good Evening Ed002,

If you have some time I would appreciate a reply. No problem if you don't.

Regarding 2 names that are being thrown around the past few days Riccardo Calafiori and Leny Yoro. Do you see these realistically being an option for Liverpool considering their preferred clubs seem to be Juventus and Real Madrid respectively?

If we went with a signing in the age bracket of Yoro I assume there would also be the possibility of a second signing like Pacho?

Again no pressure on a response here as you have spoken about these players previously ??.

{Ed002's Note - Riccardo Calafiori (CB/LB) Bayer Leverkusen and Chelsea have a declared interest but he is not first choice for either although Chelsea may well look to two additions and push for the player. Newcastle interest has gone. Spurs, Bayern Munich and Brighton have sent scouts but Juventus has held a number of discussions with Bologna and are offering cash and a part exchange. They will also have an edge because of Motta although Bologna have now secured CL football they insist they do not need to sell their prime assets. A wildcard may be Real Madrid. Liverpool have shown no interest that I am aware of and have very specific targets of their own.

Leny Yoro (CB) Lille kiddie who already has PSG, Chelsea and Real Madrid declaring an interest. Manchester City and Manchester United have sent scouts. May have been noticed by Liverpool when scouting another player against Nantes, but Liverpool have preferred CB targets. Lille will resist a sale and continue to work on a new contract unless someone pays significantly over the odds for him - but if a new contract cannot be agreed they will need to reduce their asking price as he moves in to the final year of his contract. Lille have rejected "a stupid offer" of €50M but did not say which club made it - although Liverpool might be the club, but a good offer will see him leave. Chelsea has a preferred option but Real Madrid may push but knowing the player has made it clear he wants to join them - and that perhaps putting PSG off rather. Lille will ask for a player on loan as part of any deal with Real Madrid or Chelsea - with two specific players already discussed.

Willian Pacho (CB) Eintracht Frankfurt have told Real Madrid the left footed CB is not for sale. Liverpool and Arsenal have sent scouts. Expect an offer from Liverpool. Perhaps a long-term van Dijk replacement.}

Agree5 Disagree11

20 Jun 2024 00:36:18
Not sure why we’d waste our time talking to either of them, I can’t see either wanting to join us, Yoro evidently only wants Madrid and Calafiori will only either want to stay in Italy, or play for a London based team or Man City. If Frankfurt have already told Madrid that Pacho is not for sale we’d be delusional to think we’ll get a different answer.

20 Jun 2024 02:58:59
It always astonishes me how you are so savvy as to what is going through a player’s head, VV, why would you think calafiori would rather go to Chelsea or city than us? According to Ed002 we haven’t even thrown our any into the ring for the player, all that pessimism must be quite deleterious for your health

As for Pacho, Ed has said he is a priority for us, surely the transfer team isn’t dumb enough to identify him as a choice solution if it’s not possible for the player or club, but of course you know better and think the club is run by a bunch of incompetents who will sell all our best players and exchange them for the buying club’s worst and oldest scraps.

20 Jun 2024 03:01:49
As for Yoro, ornstein suggests that we don’t fancy our chances, but considering he is thought of as a generational talent, maybe we should at least give it a try, in the same way that we did tchouameni, Bellingham and mbappe before he left Monaco? Or would you rather we just didn’t try at all to sign the best talent, resigning ourselves to the fact that-in your estimation at least- nobody wants to play for Liverpool?

20 Jun 2024 04:52:04
Sorry @Victor, but you are just making stuff up now. You have absolutely zero idea of what two kids you have never, ever met are actually thinking, particularly in the context of their lives and the advice they are receiving and the people, if any, they chose to listen to.

20 Jun 2024 05:50:23
He does that a lot.

20 Jun 2024 07:15:10
I think we need 2 x cbs and to shift 1 out in an ideal world, konate i would sell if we got decent offer due to his injuries, so makes sense interest in both yoro and pacho.

19 Jun 2024 21:31:32
Thank you for such a rapid response and updated detailed notes.

{Ed002's Note - You are welcome. I am sorry about the negative response from one of the trolls.}

20 Jun 2024 07:31:49
Ed, any idea what kind of money it would take for Lille to accept?

{Ed002's Note - Lille want him to sign a new contract but the player wants to move to Real Madrid - and would likely be asked to run his contract down over the next year. Lille will have a decision to make.}

20 Jun 2024 08:50:07
Cheers mate!

{Ed002's Note - Sorry it was wrecked by a negative comment from a troll.}

20 Jun 2024 09:19:12
Is it safe to walk over the Pass or is there trolls still hiding under the bridge?

20 Jun 2024 10:44:21
Isn't this a new form of tapping up ed's? Real Madrid telling players to run down thier contracts.

{Ed002's Note - No, they talk to the agents.}

20 Jun 2024 11:19:49
Ed, it sounds to me that even if a bidding war were to erupt for yoro he could simply just run his contract down and leave for real for free…which would be disastrous for lille financially but seems the most likely eventuality.

{Ed002's Note - If he won't sign a new contract Lille will look to sell him. He wants Real Madrid (resulting in Chelsea stepping back) and could let his contract run dow - and that may be OK with Madrid if Nacho accepts a one year extension, but they could equally look to one of their other targets instead - and that won't suit the player.

21 Jun 2024 01:53:02
I think Calafiori is a very interesting player at only 22 years of age. I don't think he ends up at Liverpool, but I'd be interested to see if he leaves Italy. I have a very high opinion of him.



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