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11 Jun 2024 09:00:08
There is a lot of attitude with certain footballers today. Clubs give them big money contracts and they think they have made it or are bigger than their club.

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11 Jun 2024 10:20:03
Who pray tell?

11 Jun 2024 15:40:49
From kids, they are told how amazing they are, then get put on substantial amounts of money, whilst, again, being told how amazing they are.

Then, they have 1 had game, and hundreds of thousands are telling them how awful they are and how they're full of attitude.

They're being thrown from pillar to post. It doesn't matter your job, your wage or how privileged people think you are, these boys are human beings.

Though I'd loved to have been in a position to retire by 25, I also quite enjoyed my younger years not having every little thing I did, picked apart by old men.

11 Jun 2024 18:01:11
Don't be a coward, say which footballers you are talking about.

11 Jun 2024 21:57:01
Grealish, Rashford, Madison, Ramsdale, to name but a few.

12 Jun 2024 00:55:47
What’s the point of the original post? There are what we used to call ‘big heads’ (one of the over 50’s) in every walk of life.

Young men and women playing football at an elite level have, with the advent of social media, so many fans, spectators or whatever living their every moment of their lives vicariously through the players that what’s real and what is fiction of one sort or another is pretty much indistinguishable these days.

Most of the elite players, as has been said, are told constantly that they are good at football which isn’t surprising seeing that most of them are. A small percentage are big heads - like in most walks of life. Easy enough to ignore them and find something else to focus on.

That said, every generation has an exception and although I don’t know him and have never met the guy I believe I wouldn’t enjoy spending time with Neymar.

12 Jun 2024 07:22:33
Ive seen videos of grealish being a hero to people behind the scenes in private . Seems like he has got time for people? Maybe it’s spin? rashford with his food bank endeavours seems down to earth too. If I won the lottery I’d buy the big house fast car etc and be called lucky if I was 25 and earned the lottery money playing football buying the same things it’s called being a show off. Some people are dicks some are portrayed as dicks. Try not to judge people you sound a little bitter.



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