06 Feb 2016 17:35:19
Just want to say I thought the protest was brilliant today. To see the amount of people, who have had enough of being taken for a mug and ripped off, get up and leave was fantastic.

This is not a protest on whether we can afford to go, it is protest to support those who can't afford it.

Modern football has a ludicrous amount of money involved. But to take more from the working man is kick in the teeth. I hope today was the start of a fight back to bring the cost of the games down to an affordable level.

A final note. we are not "Customers" Mr Ayre. We are the lifeblood of Liverpool FC. Owners come and go, as do staff, players and managers. But the supporters are always here. Always. We aren't to be treated like kids wanting the next iPhone, or a family going on holiday. This is far more to us all than any of that. Calling us customers shows how out of touch you and the rest of the board are with the large working class fan base of Liverpool.

1.) 06 Feb 2016
06 Feb 2016 17:41:13
To pay there money for a ticket and walk out of a match with 13 minutes to go dosen't make sense why pay your hard money just to walk out over ticket prices just don't go in the first place and empty stadium is far more effective.

2.) 06 Feb 2016
06 Feb 2016 17:49:24
Doesn't really send a message to anyone, they're not sustaining any losses. Would make far more sense to have stayed longer after match or boycotting it altogether.

3.) 06 Feb 2016
06 Feb 2016 17:54:14
Because the price increase only comes in next season. We haven't paid the extra and walked out.

If we don't go, there are plenty of people who can afford to go in our place. The stadium would never be empty. To price people out who have been part of the club longer than anyone making the decisions is just plain wrong. People seem to forget football . Especially the nothern clubs, was once a working mans game.

4.) 06 Feb 2016
06 Feb 2016 18:14:31
Was once, isn't anymore. Footballers just to have jobs as well as play football. They don't need to anymore, it's all millionaires out there playing and sitting on the bench. The sport has moved on.

{Ed001's Note - that's ok, because people like you will just keep feeding them more so they can be like that.}

5.) 06 Feb 2016
06 Feb 2016 18:46:36
Haha people like me. You really think a handful of people walking out after handing over their money will change this. These players going to suddenly not be paid six figures a week?

If these bright sparks want to make a point, don't go, don't buy the merchandise or stay after the game and protest.

What has today achieved? It's left the players walking alone, it's giving negative press, just what we need. Are FSG out of pocket from today?

Keep this level of support up by leaving games and see how long Klopp stays. See what players we can attract.

{Ed001's Note - they will certainly have more effect than people like you running along and paying through the nose just because you are rich enough to afford it and not caring about the main portion of the fanbase who can't afford it. But its ok, just so long as you privileged few can afford it right?}