29 May 2018 09:39:46
This site is fabulous but we do not need personal comments aimed at either the Eds, other people posting, players or officials. If you want to criticise or voice an opinion on people that is fine but don’t go below the line of common decency. Be nice people.

1.) 29 May 2018
29 May 2018 10:08:20
Post of the day ❤️❤️❤️.

2.) 29 May 2018
29 May 2018 10:13:41
Here here. I would add that the edds do a fantastic job of keeping us In the loop. So if your not wanting to be part of the site, please take your unwanted comments and tell someone who gives a F.

Please edds can you not just filter the crap these immature creatures spil from there mouths. I know it's still not right but we have to get the assholes of the site on way or another. Football is a big part of my life, so we need rid of these d. so we can't enjoy it.

Sorry for the rant but I hate people that hide behind the keyboard. 😡.

3.) 29 May 2018
29 May 2018 10:17:34
Don't even get me started OctopusGarden lol I could go on about that post all day long. Great post mate.

4.) 29 May 2018
29 May 2018 12:10:10
It’s good to see the support, it is certainly a few people who spoil it for the majority.