09 Nov 2016 08:20:29
Sorry, i know this is not quite the forum for this but sincere condolences to ed02, sad sad day, i'm guessing you will fast track the relinquishment of you citizenship post haste. Would like to say i'm shocked, but i really am not, i just hope his insular view continues and the havoc that will ensue remains within the borders of the US.

{Ed002's Note - Thank you for your thoughts JB. I suspect we will see folks heading for the border again. Vancouver is a nice town.}

1.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 08:41:55
What shook me this morning ed was that 18% of hispanic voters actually voted for him, are they just DF's or do they know something we dont!

{Ed002's Note - I haven't looked at the stats yet but many live in states where there is high unemployment and low wages.}

2.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 09:00:58
Yeah they didn't watch corrupt mainstream media and live in reality, have real problems or concerns . He offers them hope. Whether he keeps his word is another thing.

3.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 09:21:59
I understand the 'become a Canadian citizen' site has crashed due to volume.

4.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 09:25:12
Hope of what my friend, to be shipped back to even more destitution and a big wall built around them. I know it was rhetoric from him but dangerous to even be uttering such nonsense. That man is a loose cannon and he will not be good for america or people of colour in it, period.

5.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 09:33:04
Let's be honest both are as bad as eachother, it made no difference who got in. It came to my mind many times during the capaign how trump or hillary could run a country? you just can't make it up lol. I didn't think he win mind.

6.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 09:33:45
follow up to above:


7.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 12:23:13
Big al, you clearly haven't read the mans policies. You have just watched it from a far and because he's a demagogue that says what a ethnic majority are thinking (uneducated majority) he wins a political election having no back round in polictics and not even being able to structure proper sentences. Hilary is bad but trump is worse for the world. Your views are from a ethnically bias place, just like brexit this has racial motives behind it because let's face it, whilst there was good reason for brexit, people that wanted out had racial motives not political ones, and the same applies here. Nigel farage says out with the immigrants (mainly Muslims let's be honest, which has very little to do with the EU anyway) and we have brexit. Donald trump says we need to get rid of Islam and build a wall between the us and Mexico, implying he wants war with countries like Iran etc and would you look at that, trump wins. All you have to do is shout 9/ 11 these days and people will vote for you. So no, this indicates lack of hope, divide and conquer mentality that we play into, and a sign that humanity is not advancing the way it could be.

{Ed002's Note - I suspect the reality of it will be far from many of the particularly stupid things he has said. But the reality may well still be particularly stupid.}

8.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 12:25:22
What I find more worrying is the number of times he has used the phrase "under one god", or words to that affect. He said it again Monday in one of his speeches.

That isn't just his standard rhetoric, nor is it dangerous in itself.

It is, when you think about it, somewhat more chilling altogether.

{Ed002's Note - Whether or not America was founded as a Christian nation or not has always been a matter for debate, but regardless a large majority of Americans retain a belief (although many are no doubt simply gedging their bets). You would do best to take any such statements with a pinch of salt until some emprical evidence exists to substantiate one deitiy that doesn't have an imaginary god (excepting Hinduism that has 320 million imaginary (or not) gods).}

9.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 13:13:03
Ed! I do agree with you the reality of it won't be as stupid as the image he painted however he has played the role of an enabler, in the sense of if the president can do it why should people hold off. Of the top of my head, bigotry, sexism, sexual assault, xenophobia, islamophobia, body shaming, are issues he had made them to be normal everyday thing. Non of his arguments which people thought were a breath of fresh air were backed by policies, vague phrases like it will be so much better and hand gestures should be thought of as policies in my opinion atleast.

10.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 15:44:53
It was the best of two evils this time. A little bit like WWII, either side with Hitler or side with Stalin, OH THE CHOICES!

11.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 15:58:53
Kman the racial card is redundant. A narrative pushed by the corrupt mainstream media your intellect grovels over.
Many brexit and trump supporters aren't racist. Trumps supporters primary concerns are employment and keeping more of their wages in their pockets via lower taxes. After that comes safety and protecting their borders and country from a threat that is currently destroying Europe unless you're living in a bubble like yourself.

As for trying with no context to push the non educated rubbish here's some facts. Here's something for you to grasp at how bad americas is .
America has the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970's.
It has the Lowest home ownership rate in 50 years and there's almost 43 million living in poverty.

As for Trumps policies on how to combat these travel over to the conspiracy page about politics and trump and I'll write away. I'm not writing essays on the Liverpool page.

John the walls a great idea. Even Merkel was inspired. Did you not hear mate? Don't think msm would cover it.
Berlins building a Taller wall than the famous Berlin Wall to separate refugees from the citizens. Ironic isn't it. Not only does it highlight the need for a wall but also the mess in Europe of refugees who were not vetted, are overwhelmingly male and have turned Sweden into the capital of Rape in the world. People need to pull their heads out and get rid of the disease that is political correctness.

12.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 17:43:34
each to their own big al each to their own, you keep convincing yourself of that tripe. Good luck with it all mate.

13.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 17:54:22
I guess being endorsed by the KKK is not considered a racial issue.
At what point did trump suggest lower taxes for people? If he does follow through with his suggestion of lower taxes it will be a model which is lowers taxes on corporations not individuals, and even then its not the federal government that does that, its still very much up to the state to lower the taxes, his other plan was something to the effect of increasing taxes on foreign services and products which will bring jobs back into the country which can be possibly be done, but on the flip side umemployment in the country is very low and it is digging itself out of hole which it was left in by a Bush.

And like I said in my previous post his role as an enabler to actually class all the things as an everyday conversation piece is more of the issue, because half the stuff you mentioned will probably never come to fruition.

14.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 18:11:44
Yes, i hate political correctness. Not being able to exclude, insult and discriminate against people less fortunate than you is awful, isn't it.

15.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 18:39:40
Seems like you've ran out of ideas John

Waqa I'm embarrassed that you're trying to string rubbish together to paint your invalid argument simply because you haven't a clue what you're talking about.
Trump said publicly he didn't want their endorsement, actually he shouted it to his crowd. So there's that cleared up and the message is clear. Stop using the racism card for why trump supporters voted

His tax plan is to reduce taxes to the people. It's not a if/ but, that's apart of his tax plan. He's doing it 👍
He also will reduce taxes down to 10% for corporations. Probably the lowest in the world I believe. What that does is BRING corporations back into America which then supplies mass employment.

You haven't thought it through or you're just out of your depth concerning how an economy works or grows.
As for unemployment is very low? It's utterly TERRIBLE. Black unemployment is at its highest rate in decades?! 43 million Americans are living in poverty. 18 million more people are on food stamp. That largely comes down to unemployment What the hell are you talking about .
Have a great day lad.

16.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 19:03:25
Big Al, you are severely misinformed. Europe is not the U. s ( I live in Ohio and have lived in France as well for 5 years) and even majority of the American people know Trump will do absolutely nothing for them and No, a wall will not be built as congress will not approve that nonsense. Kman2 got it exactly right. Trump has been a demagogue all his life as well as a bigot along with his father. Ever heard of the Central Park 5? Google them and you will see what Trump did to them in the late 80`s. His father used to go to the Klu Kluxx Klan rallies and that`s why that terrorist hate group supported him. The man peddles in demagoguery, sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, sexual assault and the list is endless. This vote was the same as Brexit and mark my words, those who voted for him will be severely disappointed as this is his biggest con job ever after making a career of swindling people and not paying them. Just like Brexit, the American people will wish for a re-vote and it won`t happen. he will do NOTHING for them as he has spent his whole career calling people like his very own supporters, Losers. Stop with the whole mainstream media nonsense. These are his very own words he has used to insult every demographic minority and nothing else. You can youtube it if you like. I voted Clinton because I know she is everything, Trump is not as in not a demagogue, racist, sexist, serial groper, insulter in chief and a crybaby with a twitter handle. He has no plan and none of his policies will pass congress as they are unconstitutional. His tax policy is the same as the ones from every other republican as in tax cuts for the rich and the rest of us pick up the tab. He will do nothing for his minnions who have fallen prey to anger and resentment for every bad thing that happened to them. No jobs, no healthcare, no education, no criminal justice reform, no climate change agenda, Nada. Good luck to those who voted for him and who did not vote to stop him because they will get the govt. they deserve.

17.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 19:25:57
Big Al ever set foot in the states bro? He did get an endorsement from the KKK, which I am assuming was in line with his racist remarks. I agree the media doesn't paint the whole picture but for most parts they are just quoting him word for word, he called a whole nation rapists, drug dealers and some of them maybe good people sorry i missed murderers. He called a whole religion terrorists. Not media reporting made up stuff, his actual words. His words again "grab women by their p****s" classed that as locker room convo. Stiffed his workers over compensation, also admitted. Tax fraud admitted in the second debate I think.

Best word/ s to describe you Big AL would be, in denial or delusional, take your pick?

I am about to have a baby and can't raise my child where half the country aligns with the views that he/ she may not be accepted because of being half pakistani.

Oh and KKK partying it up NC in broad daylight should definitely not be taken as symbol that he has acted as an enabler.

18.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 19:32:54
Oh and you do know that more people actually voted for hillary by a little over 200,000 votes?

19.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 20:17:00
If, a year ago, someone had told me Cameron would resign, UK would leave the EU, Jeremy Corbyn would win 2 Labour Party leadership elections by massive landslides and Donald Trump would be POTUS-elect I would have lost a LOT of money to them 😄

The world has gone a bit mad.

20.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 20:52:33
Spot on, Waqas.

21.) 09 Nov 2016
09 Nov 2016 21:49:59
Big Al, the wall you talk about in Germany is 100m long around a refugee hostel, hardly comparable to a wall the length of the Mexican/ US border.

22.) 10 Nov 2016
10 Nov 2016 02:22:41
All the old European colonial powers are now reaping the rewards of taking over countries and stripping them of their natural resources and drawing new borders through areas where different tribes and sects existed before.
Trump and Farage are taking advantage of this as the establishment has to play by political correctness and cronyism.

Look at Hillsborough for example. They closed ranks for 20 years.

People have had enough of this crap from the establishment and Trump and Farage are cleaning up.

23.) 11 Nov 2016
11 Nov 2016 18:27:04
Cleaning up by peddling racism, islamophobia, xenophobia, sexism and misogyny in addition to promoting rape culture (Trump, in this case) is not cleaning anything up. It is using crap to clean up crap and at that rate, the floor is never clean. You have no idea who trump is. We in the States do and have done for decades and he will do nothing for the people who he claims to be fighting for yet has labeled as losers, throughout his life.